Sunday, December 22, 2019
Critically Assessing The Advice About Punishment - 1929 Words
Critically evaluating the advice about punishment in a parents magazine article Introduction I looked for articles in an online parenting-advice magazine called Aha! Parenting. The article I chose is called 10 Steps To Guide Children Without Punishment and was written by Laura Markham (2015). The child development aspect concerned by this article is child discipline. The main idea of the article is that parents should not punish their children, and that instead, parents should stay calm and kind when children misbehave. According to the author, this is because punishments are ineffective at changing behavior, and in fact create even more misbehavior. I will critically evaluate the advice in this article using the class teachings and relevant literature. Skinner’s model of punishment and reinforcement The main theme of Markham’s (2015) article is that disciplining children does not improve their behavior. One of the most famous researchers into the nature of punishment was B.F. Skinner, a behavioral psychologist. Skinner believed that behavior is largely caused by well-learned associations between causes and consequences. He created the theory of ‘operant conditioning’, which states that behavior can be changed by ‘operants’, which are negative or positive stimuli. Although most of his theory came from experiments on rats, he believed that operant conditioning also plays a major role in human behavior, and that operant conditioning is therefore relevant to childShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of An Individual Assessment Scale1682 Words  | 7 Pagesmodel was measured with a MiniIPIP6 questionnaire (R) while RST was measured using the Jackson 5 questionnaire. When these scales are completed you re ceive your score on these and other scales. These scores are used throughout this assignment to critically discuss my scores compared to the mean score of other participants who preformed the Individual Assessment Scale. 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