Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Downsizing or The Permanent Termination of Employees
Downsizing is the act of reducing the number of employees on payroll, also casually known as â€Å"trimming the fat†. A downsize normally occurs during economic downturns and when a company is not raking in desirable profit margins and is aimed to lower operational costs. Downsizing helps businesses to re-evaluate, re-organize, re-engineer, restrict and revamp their operations to steer themselves into a positive direction. Downsizing is referred to by some as â€Å"a permanent termination of employees†while a layoff, interpreted as â€Å"a temporary downscaling of employees†Layoffs may happen with the intention of re-hiring employees at a later stage when the company is more financially stable. Downsizing brings about layoffs which include other organisation restructuring changes, such as decrement of number of work hours, converting permanent staff to temporary or part-time staff, merging departments, or even pay-cuts. Outsourcing, more commonly known as sub-contracting, is a business process in which a third-party provider is contracted to do a job function instead of managing them in-house. By freeing up resources like time, human capital and money, businesses increase efficiency as outsourcing to a specialist in the respective field will allow companies and businesses to focus on their core activities and continue what they do best to bring the companies to greater heights. It employs cost savings and staffing flexibility techniques by allowing companies to grow their businessShow MoreRelatedDownsizing1038 Words  | 5 PagesDownsizing occurs when a company permanently reduces its workforce. Corporate downsizing is often the result of poor economic conditions or the company’s need to cut jobs in order to lower costs or maintain profitability. Downsizing may occur when one company merges with another, a product or service is cut, or the economy falters. Downsizing also occurs when employers want to â€Å"streamline†a company – this refers to corporate restructuring in order to increase profit and maximize efficiency. DownsizingRead MoreDownsize In The Workplace Case Study1346 Words  | 6 Pages You must develop a plan to downsize 15% of your employee population. Identify the steps you must take.      The first step to take in planning for a downsize in an organization is letting all temporary employees go and then move on to the regular part-time employees. This is the logical and fair way to handle inevitable layoffs. It is unfortunate for the individuals affected, however, this I the most reasonable way to handle this issue. Next step would be to ask for any volunteers and adviseRead MoreNotes On Human Resource Management3007 Words  | 13 PagesSubmitted by: Submitted to: Andrea Sloan Final Report of Holden â€Æ' EXECTIVE SUMMARY Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Layoff planning of Holden 4 2.1Downsizing 5 2.2 Alternatives to downsizing 5 2.3 Limitations 5 2.4 Benefits of downsizing for Holden 6 3. Performance management system in Holden 6 3.1 Set and regularly revise HOLDEN Directives 7 3.2 Translate Holden Directives to Goals throughout organization 7 3.3 Performance appraisalRead MoreEmployees Layoff : Employees1768 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction Senior managers are often faced with situations where they have to take decisions regarding termination and layoff of an employee, on the basis of several reasons. Layoffs are throbbing for employees as well as employers. If it is essential for the company to conduct layoffs, the managers should conduct them in a way that they impose minimum negative effect on the employee and the organization. In such circumstances, it is also critical to boosting the motivation level and moraleRead MoreDownsizing7053 Words  | 29 Pagesg Downsizing: Layoffs/Closings [pic] | | | | |Top of Form | |[pic][pic][pic] | |Bottom of Form Read MoreOrganization Restructuring2396 Words  | 10 PagesPAGEREF _Toc331191871 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc331191872 The importance of restructuring organizations PAGEREF _Toc331191872 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc331191873 Steps in restructuring organizations PAGEREF _Toc331191873 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc331191874 Downsizing PAGEREF _Toc331191874 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc331191875 Reengineering PAGEREF _Toc331191875 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc331191876 Process of reengineering PAGEREF _Toc331191876 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc331191877 Contingencies Influencing Structural DesignRead MoreEssay about Organizational Culture6678 Words  | 27 PagesDownsizing And Organizational Culture Thomas A. Hickok -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract In this article Hickok argues that, ultimately, the most prominent effects of downsizing will be in relation to culture change, not in relation to saved costs or short-term productivity gains. In particular, the author notes three observations in relation to the impact of downsizing on organizational culture. First, it clearly appears that powerRead MoreA Brief Note On The Global Nursing Shortage Essay1551 Words  | 7 Pagesmovement within and across organizational boundaries, as well as by a variety of cognitive activities that preceded leaving. Turnover intention refers to employees thoughts of quitting their present job. Employees may choose to withdraw either physically or psychologically. One physical form of withdrawal is to quit the job. However not all employees, are likely to quit. The possible short term option for those with less job mobility is psychological withdrawal, such as thinking about quitting (RamRead More Downsizing And Reengineering The American Public And Private Sector3052 Words  | 13 PagesDownsizing And Reengineering The American Public And Private Sector Wheels of Industry Over the past decade, more and more American organizations are downsizing and reengineering as a means of eliminating excesses in corporate staffing, bureaucracy, and expenditures. This is true today whether it’s a for-profit company or not-for-profit company. Constant change is a new way of life as companies strive to meet customers needs and the ability to successfully innovate, time after time to achieveRead MoreThe Business Environment Of Cities1777 Words  | 8 Pagescountries. Another important reason for Detroi’s decline is the downsizing. â€Å"In a business enterprise, downsizing is reducing the number of employees on the operating payroll. Some users distinguish downsizing from a layoff, with downsizing intended to be a permanent downscaling and a layoff intended to be a temporary downscaling in which employees may later be rehired†(Tech target, 2015). Downsizing is nothing but the termination of employees before they actually retire. It is used as a strategy by big
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about The Pearl Depictions Of Life - 845 Words
The Pearl: Depictions of Life nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In John Steinbecks The Pearl, a destitute pearl diver finds a giant pearl with which he hopes to buy peace and happiness for his family. Instead, he learns that the valuable pearl can not buy happiness but only destroy his simple life. Throughout the fable, there is a constant theme woven through the characters and setting which encompasses the struggle among social classes to become successful. Steinbeck, a novelist known for his realistic depictions of life, portrays this motif through Kino, the doctor, Coyotito, and the town of La Paz. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;John Earnst Steinbeck, author of The Pearl and many other stories, was born on February 27, 1902, in Salinas,†¦show more content†¦At one point, he tries to sell the pearl in order to pay for a doctor Coyotito needs, but the pearl buyers only try to cheat him of the success he feels he deserves. Then Kino tries to leave the town, but his fear only causes him to shoot Coyotito accidentally. Finally, Kino returns to La Paz and throws the pearl into the sea. Kino, a symbol of hard work and ambition, is destroyed by his dreams of a better life. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The town doctor also demonstrates how the struggle for success can corrupt people. This quot;healerquot; is more interested in money than the welfare of others. While drinking expensive tea out of tiny china cups, he sits in his large white house and dreams of returning to Paris. When Juana comes to ask if he will treat Coyotitos scorpion sting, he promptly sends her promptly away. However, when news of Kinos discovery reaches the doctor, he rushes to the familys grass hut. Once there, he makes Coyotito sick so that he may cure the infant and squeeze a portion of the pearls wealth from the family. This disgraceful doctor represents the arrogance of the powerful towards the powerless. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Coyotito, though only an infant, is also a very important symbol of the struggle for success. An innocent victim of greed, he knows nothing more comforting than the simple life he spends inShow MoreRelatedScarlet Letter Essay On Nature1175 Words  | 5 Pagesonce said, â€Å"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.†Nature reveals much more to the human eye than many people realize. By looking deep into nature, one can find the inner workings of the universe and the simplicity of life. The Puritans and other main characters in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter did exactly this. 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Music reflection free essay sample
Music Self Evaluation It has been a Joy to be In your class Dry. Petersen, thankful for all the musical knowledge you have given to me this semester. Prior to this class I had no musical background and I had never played an instrument. I have always been interested in the history of music and its evolution through the ages. I am extremely grateful for you shedding light on the different cultures and their musical preferences.It really broadened my horizon because all I use to listen to was hip hop and now I am existing to Jazz , classical, and am overall more open minded. Hopefully I will put this information to good use In the future as I am trying to be a DC and I will definitely sample famous legends Like Beethoven and Duke Longtime because their works laid the groundwork for much of todays modern music like hip hop, R, and Electronic Dance Music(EDM) believe it or not. We will write a custom essay sample on Music reflection or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Despite that fact music has been an important factor in my life that has kept me ongoing through the most difficult of times, even this semester when I had court (for witnessing a crime that was my fault), a new difficult fourth hour a week Job, and my father being hospitalized. Mama Shah It has been a joy to be in your class Dry. Petersen, thankful for all the musical background and I had never played an instrument. I have always been Interested In the history of music and its evolution through the ages.I am extremely grateful for you he grounds;ark for much of todays modern music Like hip hop, RB, and Electronic father being hospitalized. I would Like to apologize also for coming in late a few times at the begging of the It has been a Joy to be in your class Dry. Petersen, thank you for all the musical information to good use in the future as I am trying to be a DC and I will definitely sample famous legends like Beethoven and Duke Longtime because their works laid I would like to apologize also for coming in late a few times at the begging of the semester.
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