Sunday, August 23, 2020
Framework Essay to Edward Said’s Essay Example for Free
System Essay to Edward Said’s Essay In any part on the planet, there is no spot to be nevertheless home. Home is where we have a sense of security and take asylum. Be that as it may, how we’ll feel if this is detracted from us? The paper by Edward Said, â€Å"States†, portrays the tale of about his nation, Palestine, and the battle of his nation men. He additionally shares the enthusiasm for his country which we can identify with. â€Å"States†embody the encounters and view of how significant a house is to a typical Palestinian. Our nation is a major piece of our self. As we are conceived, we are bound to turn into a piece of it. It turned out to be a piece of our character. Things that we grew up with implied something to us. We ordinarily treasure things that turned out to be a piece of our lives. Indeed, even unwittingly, we grab hold of it. Home brings us recollections, recollections that we need to hang on up to our final gasp. It assumes a major job to our turn of events, as a youngster and as an individual completely. Home is a piece of ourselves which turned into an establishment of who we are today. To be away from home causes us to feel unfilled or deficient it might be said. This is experienced by individuals who are ousted from their own country. Outcasts are treated as outsiders and feel disgrace to one’s pride. Outcast is a hopeless thing. Nothing can be so humiliating than to be detracted from home. It disheartens an individual to feel an alien to his own nation. One isn't just denied of the social rights yet just as the opportunity. As depicted in the exposition of Edward Said an outcast is alluded as â€Å"present absentees†where to their country, they are evaporated and with respect to the host nation they are seen as outsiders. Notwithstanding, experiencing difficulties can't prevent an individual from his will. Despite the extreme clash between the Palestine-Israel, one can't remove the force of a significant event like wedding. Conditions like these were outlined in the content. An individual in emergency remains positive and cheerful. Palestinians, which make a trip every once in a while for due to occupation and wellbeing, got used to these. One’s genuine satisfaction is in the condition of reasoning. He can remain cheerful in spite of his horrible condition. Said additionally shares his encounters from his childhood and what he knew from his nation. One tragic part additionally is the steadiness of the land, concealment from your own property. One is denied of being free on his own nation. Kids can't play outside without guardians stressing their wellbeing. To a spot where he grew up and know to be his home turned into an odd spot. I accept that house is significant in any living thing. It doesn’t just give us cover but on the other hand is a piece of our self-awareness. It encourages us manufacture our certainty through the sentiment of security. A house resembles a mother to us which gives us what we have to continue living. Our sustenance as a kid is taken care of by the things that occur around us. These things shape the character of an individual. Home forms a person’s character. Home is the earth which we live in and affects our lives. To remove something from us present to us the sentiment of being deficient. We are as of now joined to it. Without the home that we used to be, by one way or another we feel lost. One feels the feeling of belongingness on it. An individual gains from his encompassing. We should realize how to acknowledge what we have considering we live in a law based and made sure about nation. Home is a spot that fed us when we are youthful. Furthermore, as we got old, there is no place else we would need to go yet home.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Quick Review Essays - Harry Potter Universe, Harry Potter, Hogwarts
Brisk Review Subsequent to being raised by his ghastly Aunt and Uncle, Harry is shocked one day when a letter shows up for him. He never gets post, yet for reasons unknown, his uncle doesn't need him to have it. The following day more show up, and afterward to an ever increasing extent, until the enormous Hagrid shows up. He reveals to Harry the awful story of his parent's passing, and reality with regards to Harry. He is a wizard, and is welcome to go to Hogwarts School for wizards. At the point when he gets the opportunity to class, he before long makes companions, however there is something ambiguously out of order at Hogwarts. What is the vile Snape doing? Furthermore, for what reason aren't the understudies permitted into a hall on the third floor? Is it associated with the missing Dark Lord Voldemort? Survey Until his eleventh birthday celebration Harry Potter thinks he is a customary if not exceptionally fortunate kid. His folks were executed when he was only one year old and from that point forward he has lived with his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon Dursley. They just took him in light of the fact that there were no different family members to deal with the vagrant and have never furnished him with a caring home. Practically more regrettable then auntie and uncle is Harry's cousin Dudley, their ruined whelp who gets all that he needs from his folks. So Harry considers the pantry under the steps where they make him rest his asylum. On his eleventh birthday celebration, be that as it may, he gets - despite seemingly insurmountable opposition and the endeavors of the Dursley's - a letter revealing to him he was admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and needs to appear on September first at King's Cross station, stage 9 ?, to jump on the Hogwarts train. He additionally gets a rundown of things he needs to bring to the school, things you will unquestionably not find in simply any store. After that was dealt with Harry goes to the station on the selected day and is confronted with one more issue: how would you get to stage 9 ? when each typical individual can see that there is nothing between stages 9 and 10? Life experience schools have consistently been a well known setting for adolescent books, and Joanne K. Rowling has given us another variety of the old topic: a live-in school for wizards and witches. Aside from the standard tricks and competitions between understudies Hogwarts is an exceptionally extraordinary spot. Not exclusively are the understudies and educators unprecedented, yet additionally the structure itself - an old palace with overly complex passages and shrouded entryways - has insider facts you wouldn't go over in reality. The occupants know about that and talk about customary individuals in a deigning way, regardless of whether they don't accept every one of them to be as terrible as Harry Potter's family. The peruser finds this uncommon world alongside Harry who is an outsider there himself and needs to attempt to comprehend it. Every one of those staying youthful on a basic level will appreciate this stumble into the universe of enchantment where trolls and mythical serpents are as conventional pets as mutts and felines in reality. A great read no one should feel excessively grown-up for.
Friday, July 10, 2020
Common Ky Bar Essay Topics
Common Ky Bar Essay TopicsAn essay is no longer a leisurely vacation, but rather an opportunity to discuss your knowledge and the importance of the subject at hand. Make a choice from among the many topics, ask questions and be ready to adapt to the answer to the question asked. Since you are now required to write your essay for an exam or for a school project, you must know what these are before you get started. In this article I will discuss some of the more common subjects and how to analyze them.Family Matters is a topic that is frequently discussed, especially among students and college-going adults. It might be about a recent breakup, a distant parent, a new baby or death of a beloved relative. The essay can focus on any of these issues, as long as it touches on the issues in general. The key to choosing this topic is to make a point about the importance of family members, and how a sense of community can help a student to build a better life. By touching on this topic, the ess ay is going to stand out, and be recognized by the college you are applying to.Arguments about Economics can make for a good topic for your essay, as the topic is often touched upon. This is another topic that can prove to be very difficult to analyze. The objective of the essay should be to speak about the student's relationship with money, and why he or she may have found it important to discuss economics. The essay should also touch on other areas, including politics, ethics and morality. By starting the essay off with these issues, the essay is going to be well-rounded and more balanced. These are topics that are often chosen by college admissions offices, as they are considered relevant to most courses taken.Sports Topics is another favorite, and one that has been used for quite some time. In fact, they have been a part of most essays for years. Be sure to follow up on the topic in the essay by discussing sports and why it has become such a popular subject. These subjects will show the quality of the essay and show why the reader will be interested in reading it. In addition, if you have taken classes in any of the sports you chose to write about, this will also reflect well on you.Diversity topics are a great topic for students to choose, as it shows how an interest in a specific subject can show a person's personality. One of the most popular subjects is about politics and social issues. Though this is a political subject, it is one that can include more than just traditional examples. Take into consideration where you were raised, the current events, and whether or not you have experienced a change in current events, as this will contribute to your argument in the essay.Examples of Common Ky Topics will be discussed next. Many students pick on race and religion, as these are among the most common topics. But there are also topics that can be an excellent choice, such as the Olympics and Civil Rights. These subjects are great because they provide more t han just a political standpoint.The most important thing for you to consider before you choose your possible topics is that your essay must be meaningful. There is no point in spending time writing an essay about politics and economics, when you can get the same information from an internet search. Remember that essays can change the outcome of an exam or of a school project. So be sure to choose topics that will have impact on those two events.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Downsizing or The Permanent Termination of Employees
Downsizing is the act of reducing the number of employees on payroll, also casually known as â€Å"trimming the fat†. A downsize normally occurs during economic downturns and when a company is not raking in desirable profit margins and is aimed to lower operational costs. Downsizing helps businesses to re-evaluate, re-organize, re-engineer, restrict and revamp their operations to steer themselves into a positive direction. Downsizing is referred to by some as â€Å"a permanent termination of employees†while a layoff, interpreted as â€Å"a temporary downscaling of employees†Layoffs may happen with the intention of re-hiring employees at a later stage when the company is more financially stable. Downsizing brings about layoffs which include other organisation restructuring changes, such as decrement of number of work hours, converting permanent staff to temporary or part-time staff, merging departments, or even pay-cuts. Outsourcing, more commonly known as sub-contracting, is a business process in which a third-party provider is contracted to do a job function instead of managing them in-house. By freeing up resources like time, human capital and money, businesses increase efficiency as outsourcing to a specialist in the respective field will allow companies and businesses to focus on their core activities and continue what they do best to bring the companies to greater heights. It employs cost savings and staffing flexibility techniques by allowing companies to grow their businessShow MoreRelatedDownsizing1038 Words  | 5 PagesDownsizing occurs when a company permanently reduces its workforce. Corporate downsizing is often the result of poor economic conditions or the company’s need to cut jobs in order to lower costs or maintain profitability. Downsizing may occur when one company merges with another, a product or service is cut, or the economy falters. Downsizing also occurs when employers want to â€Å"streamline†a company – this refers to corporate restructuring in order to increase profit and maximize efficiency. DownsizingRead MoreDownsize In The Workplace Case Study1346 Words  | 6 Pages You must develop a plan to downsize 15% of your employee population. Identify the steps you must take.      The first step to take in planning for a downsize in an organization is letting all temporary employees go and then move on to the regular part-time employees. This is the logical and fair way to handle inevitable layoffs. It is unfortunate for the individuals affected, however, this I the most reasonable way to handle this issue. Next step would be to ask for any volunteers and adviseRead MoreNotes On Human Resource Management3007 Words  | 13 PagesSubmitted by: Submitted to: Andrea Sloan Final Report of Holden â€Æ' EXECTIVE SUMMARY Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Layoff planning of Holden 4 2.1Downsizing 5 2.2 Alternatives to downsizing 5 2.3 Limitations 5 2.4 Benefits of downsizing for Holden 6 3. Performance management system in Holden 6 3.1 Set and regularly revise HOLDEN Directives 7 3.2 Translate Holden Directives to Goals throughout organization 7 3.3 Performance appraisalRead MoreEmployees Layoff : Employees1768 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction Senior managers are often faced with situations where they have to take decisions regarding termination and layoff of an employee, on the basis of several reasons. Layoffs are throbbing for employees as well as employers. If it is essential for the company to conduct layoffs, the managers should conduct them in a way that they impose minimum negative effect on the employee and the organization. In such circumstances, it is also critical to boosting the motivation level and moraleRead MoreDownsizing7053 Words  | 29 Pagesg Downsizing: Layoffs/Closings [pic] | | | | |Top of Form | |[pic][pic][pic] | |Bottom of Form Read MoreOrganization Restructuring2396 Words  | 10 PagesPAGEREF _Toc331191871 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc331191872 The importance of restructuring organizations PAGEREF _Toc331191872 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc331191873 Steps in restructuring organizations PAGEREF _Toc331191873 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc331191874 Downsizing PAGEREF _Toc331191874 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc331191875 Reengineering PAGEREF _Toc331191875 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc331191876 Process of reengineering PAGEREF _Toc331191876 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc331191877 Contingencies Influencing Structural DesignRead MoreEssay about Organizational Culture6678 Words  | 27 PagesDownsizing And Organizational Culture Thomas A. Hickok -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract In this article Hickok argues that, ultimately, the most prominent effects of downsizing will be in relation to culture change, not in relation to saved costs or short-term productivity gains. In particular, the author notes three observations in relation to the impact of downsizing on organizational culture. First, it clearly appears that powerRead MoreA Brief Note On The Global Nursing Shortage Essay1551 Words  | 7 Pagesmovement within and across organizational boundaries, as well as by a variety of cognitive activities that preceded leaving. Turnover intention refers to employees thoughts of quitting their present job. Employees may choose to withdraw either physically or psychologically. One physical form of withdrawal is to quit the job. However not all employees, are likely to quit. The possible short term option for those with less job mobility is psychological withdrawal, such as thinking about quitting (RamRead More Downsizing And Reengineering The American Public And Private Sector3052 Words  | 13 PagesDownsizing And Reengineering The American Public And Private Sector Wheels of Industry Over the past decade, more and more American organizations are downsizing and reengineering as a means of eliminating excesses in corporate staffing, bureaucracy, and expenditures. This is true today whether it’s a for-profit company or not-for-profit company. Constant change is a new way of life as companies strive to meet customers needs and the ability to successfully innovate, time after time to achieveRead MoreThe Business Environment Of Cities1777 Words  | 8 Pagescountries. Another important reason for Detroi’s decline is the downsizing. â€Å"In a business enterprise, downsizing is reducing the number of employees on the operating payroll. Some users distinguish downsizing from a layoff, with downsizing intended to be a permanent downscaling and a layoff intended to be a temporary downscaling in which employees may later be rehired†(Tech target, 2015). Downsizing is nothing but the termination of employees before they actually retire. It is used as a strategy by big
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about The Pearl Depictions Of Life - 845 Words
The Pearl: Depictions of Life nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In John Steinbecks The Pearl, a destitute pearl diver finds a giant pearl with which he hopes to buy peace and happiness for his family. Instead, he learns that the valuable pearl can not buy happiness but only destroy his simple life. Throughout the fable, there is a constant theme woven through the characters and setting which encompasses the struggle among social classes to become successful. Steinbeck, a novelist known for his realistic depictions of life, portrays this motif through Kino, the doctor, Coyotito, and the town of La Paz. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;John Earnst Steinbeck, author of The Pearl and many other stories, was born on February 27, 1902, in Salinas,†¦show more content†¦At one point, he tries to sell the pearl in order to pay for a doctor Coyotito needs, but the pearl buyers only try to cheat him of the success he feels he deserves. Then Kino tries to leave the town, but his fear only causes him to shoot Coyotito accidentally. Finally, Kino returns to La Paz and throws the pearl into the sea. Kino, a symbol of hard work and ambition, is destroyed by his dreams of a better life. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The town doctor also demonstrates how the struggle for success can corrupt people. This quot;healerquot; is more interested in money than the welfare of others. While drinking expensive tea out of tiny china cups, he sits in his large white house and dreams of returning to Paris. When Juana comes to ask if he will treat Coyotitos scorpion sting, he promptly sends her promptly away. However, when news of Kinos discovery reaches the doctor, he rushes to the familys grass hut. Once there, he makes Coyotito sick so that he may cure the infant and squeeze a portion of the pearls wealth from the family. This disgraceful doctor represents the arrogance of the powerful towards the powerless. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Coyotito, though only an infant, is also a very important symbol of the struggle for success. An innocent victim of greed, he knows nothing more comforting than the simple life he spends inShow MoreRelatedScarlet Letter Essay On Nature1175 Words  | 5 Pagesonce said, â€Å"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.†Nature reveals much more to the human eye than many people realize. By looking deep into nature, one can find the inner workings of the universe and the simplicity of life. The Puritans and other main characters in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter did exactly this. Within the novel, readers witness many natural occurrences such as a meteor in the sky, a rosebush outside of a prison, or the sun setting on theRead MoreThe Pearl, By John Steinbeck903 Words  | 4 PagesIn The Pearl, written by John Steinbeck, take place in La Paz, Mexico, where a pleasant family composed of Kino, his wife, Juana, and their son, Coyotito. One day, their son is bitten by a scorpion and Juana and Kino go see a local doctor, who refuses to treat Coyotito. Kino, a pearl diver, finds a pearl with immense value which he believes will pay for the treatment. However, the pearl brings great misfortune upon the family. As the novel progresses, Juana disagrees that the pearl will help herRead More The Scarlet Letter Essay1055 Words  | 5 Pageswear a highly embossed depiction of the letter â€Å"A†on her breast as punishment for an act of adultery. How Hester handles the consequences of her castigation is what brings about the heroic feministic qualities of the main character. Three aspects that corroborate Hester Prynne’s qualities are: 1. Admitting her sin openly to fellow man and God, 2. Putting up with the taunting and social exile of her punishment, and 3. Aspiring above her torment to give love to her daughter Pearl and Pearl’s father,Read MoreSymbolism In The Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne825 Words  | 4 Pagesstrayed from its religious codes. In his novel The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses multiple symbols to bring a deeper meaning to the society, his characters, and to adultery. One of the motifs used comes as the character Pearl, the daughter of the two adulterers. Pearl has multiple descriptions; physically, she is â€Å"a lovely and immortal flower,†yet also â€Å"an airy sprite . . . as if she were hovering in the air and might vanish†(80, 83). She has a â€Å"wild, desperate, defiant mood†and is oftenRead MoreScarlet Letter Character Analysis1081 Words  | 5 Pagesevents in an author ’s life affect the style and content of their literary works, which is expressed throughout Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. Pearl being an outcast from the rigid Puritan morals, and Hesters being independent and strong-willed challenges traditional society. These aspects all mirror the authors emotions and hardships of his early life through the literary element of characterization. Through the analysis of the main characters Hester and Pearl, we see how The ScarletRead MoreEssay Descent Into Darkness Book Review1286 Words  | 6 PagesDiver’s Memoir Descent into Darkness by Edward C. Raymer is an exceptional piece of work that accounts the history and aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. Raymer’s purpose when writing Descent into Darkness was to mainly depict the story of what naval divers did during the recovery process after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the hazards endured and the sometimes nearly impossible hardships they overcame, and the innovative diving techniques implemented used to salvageRead MoreCharacterization In The Scarlet Letter1374 Words  | 6 Pagesevents in an author’s life affect the style and content of their literate, which is expressed throughout Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. Pearl is outcasted from society because of her non-conformity to rigid Puritan morals, similar to how Hawthorne alienates his own daughter Una for having a more masculine personality. These aspects all mirror Hawthorne s emotions and hardships of his early life th rough the literary element of characterization. The analysis of Pearl emphasizes how The ScarletRead MorePortraiture Depictions Of Queen Elizabeth I1578 Words  | 7 PagesPortraiture Depictions of Queen Elizabeth I Elizabeth Tudor or Queen Elizabeth I was and is one of the greatest monarchs in English history. Obtaining the crown at a young age of twenty-five, she seized a bankrupt country caused by previous rulers, a country with an unstable religion, and loose ties with other great powers of the world. Elizabeth I ruled for nearly half a century granting her the remembrance with reigning with stability, the flourishment of the arts, and increased trade. Elizabeth’sRead MoreDevelopment of Characters in Nathaniel Hawthornes Scarlett Letter953 Words  | 4 PagesScarlet Letter, the author develops the characters of Pearl Prynne as candid, Hester Prynne as strong-willed, and Reverend Dimmesdale as hypocritical. Hawthornes ability to develop characters is evident throughout the novel, and is apparent when portraying Pearl as candid. Pearl is the daughter of Hester and is a very outgoing seven-year-old. Unbeknownst to Pearl, her father is Reverend Dimmesdale, with whom her mother had an affair. One day, Pearl is walking with Hester in the forest. She proceedsRead MoreWhy Mine Okubo Was An American Citizen Of Japanese Descent1117 Words  | 5 Pagescamps for â€Å"protective purposes†during World War II. In her graphic novel Citizen 13660, which was named after the number designated to her family unit, Okubo documents her journey from her initial relocation to Tanforan Assembly Center after the Pearl Harbor attack, up until she is finally granted release from the Central Utah Relocation Project in Topaz. She tells her story through sketches and storytelling due to recording devices being confiscated as contraband. Okubo’s original motive behind
Music reflection free essay sample
Music Self Evaluation It has been a Joy to be In your class Dry. Petersen, thankful for all the musical knowledge you have given to me this semester. Prior to this class I had no musical background and I had never played an instrument. I have always been interested in the history of music and its evolution through the ages. I am extremely grateful for you shedding light on the different cultures and their musical preferences.It really broadened my horizon because all I use to listen to was hip hop and now I am existing to Jazz , classical, and am overall more open minded. Hopefully I will put this information to good use In the future as I am trying to be a DC and I will definitely sample famous legends Like Beethoven and Duke Longtime because their works laid the groundwork for much of todays modern music like hip hop, R, and Electronic Dance Music(EDM) believe it or not. We will write a custom essay sample on Music reflection or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Despite that fact music has been an important factor in my life that has kept me ongoing through the most difficult of times, even this semester when I had court (for witnessing a crime that was my fault), a new difficult fourth hour a week Job, and my father being hospitalized. Mama Shah It has been a joy to be in your class Dry. Petersen, thankful for all the musical background and I had never played an instrument. I have always been Interested In the history of music and its evolution through the ages.I am extremely grateful for you he grounds;ark for much of todays modern music Like hip hop, RB, and Electronic father being hospitalized. I would Like to apologize also for coming in late a few times at the begging of the It has been a Joy to be in your class Dry. Petersen, thank you for all the musical information to good use in the future as I am trying to be a DC and I will definitely sample famous legends like Beethoven and Duke Longtime because their works laid I would like to apologize also for coming in late a few times at the begging of the semester.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Uncle Toms Cabin By Harriet Stowe; Essay Example For Students
Uncle Toms Cabin By Harriet Stowe; Essay Uncle Toms Cabin By Harriet StoweUncle Toms Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe Many people believe that a novel hasa direct and powerful influence on American history. One such novel was writtenby a woman by the name of Harriet Beecher Stowe. The name of this novel is UncleToms Cabin. Harriet Beecher was born on June 14, 181l, in Litchfield,Connecticut. Her father Lyman Beecher, was a renowned preacher. Harriet was astudent and later a teacher, at Hartford Female Seminary. In 1832, the Beechersmoved to Cincinnati, Ohio. Just across the Ohio River lay slave territory. Beechers visits to plantations confirmed her disdain for slavery. In 1836,Beecher married Calvin Ellis Stowe, a seminary professor (Comptons). Uponmoving to Brunswick, Me. , in 1850, Stowe was challenged by her sister-in-law towrite something that would make this whole nation feel what an accursedthing slavery is! The answer to the challenge was Uncle Toms Cabin; or,Life Among the Lowly, which appeared in 1851 to 1852, in an anti-slavery papercalled National Era. Though the story depicts some of the kind andpatriarchal aspects of slavery, it emphasizes the dark and cruel side. Publishedin book form in 1852, Uncle Toms Cabin was an unprecedented success in Americanpublishing, selling two million copies before the start of the American CivilWar. It has translated into more than 20 languages and presented countless timeson the stage and in motion pictures (Grolier). Stowe died on July 1, 1896, inHartford Connecticut. Among her other works are The Mayflower (1843,a collection of tales an d sketches; Dred: a Tale of the Great DismalSwamp (1856); The Ministers Wooing (1859); and LadyBryon Vindicated (1870) (Comptons). Harriet Beecher Stowe was inchallenge by her sister and when she had to pick something to write about. Stowedecided to write a fictional story about Slavery. That is the main historicalbasis for this book. During the time of Harriet Beecher Stowe, there was abitter feud between the North (Anti-slave states) and the South (Pro-slavestates). Blacks, also known as African Americans, were being bounded and theirfreedom was being taken away from them. The south felt that they had the rightto do this. It was their obligation. The north on the other hand saw a differentstory. The North believed in freedom and some equality for all man-kind(exceptfor women back in those days). New pieces of lands were being won and bought andthere was matter of dispute to what would it happen. In the 1860s slavery wasabolished with the Emancipation Proclamation. Years before thi s proclamation, abitter battle was fought between the North and the South. This war was known asthe bloodiest war, putting family against friends and brother against brother. We will write a custom essay on Uncle Toms Cabin By Harriet Stowe; specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now This war was known as the Civil War. Before the Civil War (1861 to 1865),Harriet opened the eyes with her fictional story and made a complete historicalfactor in American history. This novel opens on the Shelby plantation somewherein Kentucky before the Civil War. The Shelbys own numerous slaves all of whomthey treat as though they are family. Unfortunately, at the opening of the bookit is understood that Mr. Shelby has gotten into some financial difficulties,and the only way out of debt is to sell some of his slaves. He is left no otherchoice but to sell his most faithful and hardest working slave, Tom, and alittle boy named Harry. Mr. Haley, a slave trader comes to the Shelby plantationone afternoon to finalize the deal, but the transaction is overheard by Eliza,Harrys mother. She goes into a panic and swears that she will not allow them totake her child, so she tries to persuade Tom to run away with her and Harry. Tomrefuses because, being the loyal man that he is, he knows that M r. Shelby isonly doing what he has to do. This does not discourage Eliza from doing what shehas to do, running away. Due to the separation of these two parties, Stowespends the remainder of the novel updating their progress in designatedchapters. Eliza and Harry leave the plantation as soon as they can get away, buttheir absence is discovered quickly, and this sends Mr. Haley searching for hisproperty. At one point, Haley is so hot on her trail that Eliza has tomiraculously run across blocks of ice on the Ohio River holding her son. Whenthey reach the other side, they are taken in by a nice family that introducesthem to a Quaker network that aides slaves in their pursuit of freedom. Likemany other slaves at that time, Eliza is determined to reach Canada. Along theway, Eliza is reunited with her husband, George, and eventually the entirefamily reaches their destination. Toms journey is not filled with so manyfortunate situations. He is bought by a nice man, Mr. St. Clare who has adau ghter, Little Eva. Eva has a great impact on the life of Tom and the othercharacters in the novel with her angelic qualities. Unfortunately, within daysof each other, Eva and Mr. St. Clare die, and all the St. Clare slaves are leftin the hands of Maria, the wife. She always hated the slaves and thought thather husband treated them too nicely, so when she gets this opportunity, she vowsto teach them a lesson, and she sells them down the river. It is here that Tomslife takes a turn for the worst. He is bought by an evil man, Simon Legree, whoprided himself on being able to break all of his slaves, but Tom isdifferent. He is untouchable. Toms great faith in God taught him to be honestand good, and no matter what Legree does, these attributes remain part of Tom. .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0 , .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0 .postImageUrl , .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0 , .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0:hover , .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0:visited , .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0:active { border:0!important; } .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0:active , .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0 .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2081391e6d21cb9c314f55104d6dfbd0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Rosa Parks EssayThis just angers Legree more, and he eventually has Tom beaten to a point whichhe never recovers. While Tom is trying to heal from this beating, he isintroduced to Casey, another slave of Legrees who desperately needs to runaway. She has lost all faith in God after being stripped of her children yearsago and subjected to a life of hatred, but after talking with Tom she finallyobtains faith, and with this new faith she is able to contrive a way to escapethe deserted plantation with one of the other young slaves, Emmeline. The two ofthem escape victoriously, but since Tom will not tell Legree where the two havegone, he is beaten again, but this time he does n ot recover. The son of Mr. Shelby rescues Tom just before his death. This is a hopeless feat, but Tom isable to tell George, the son, some final words for his wife, Aunt Chloe, and theothers. After Toms death, Master George gives Tom a proper burial on his returnhome where he meets up with Cassy and Emmeline. It is here that Cassy discoversthat her daughter, whom she thought she would never see again, is Eliza, soMaster George brings the two girls to Canada where the family is reunited. Whenhe finally returns home, George grants Toms final wish and emancipates all theShelby slaves. When he informs them of the news, he tells each of them to thinkof their freedom every time they pass Uncle Toms Cabin and let it be a memorialto try to live as honestly and faithfully as Tom with God as their leader. Thisstatement comes at the very end of the book, and it is not until the end thatthe title of Stowes novel is understood by the reader. I found Uncle TomsCabin to be a very well put book. It has opened my eyes to what life was likeback in the time of slavery. I rate this book a nine. I found it well writtenand very worth reading. The one thing that didnt seem to give it that one-pointto make it a ten was that some of the local color in the story was verydifficult to understand and to read. If you have time to read a story whosedialect is hard to read at some points. This novel was rated a 10 forentertainment. There never was a dull moment in this novel. Whenever you turneda page something new was happening. The theme I rate in this book as a nine,also. The theme was Man vs Man. Overall, the book was excellence and wouldrecommend it to everyone that is worth reading.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Hills Like White Elephants and In Another Country Essay Example
Hills Like White Elephants and In Another Country Essay Example Hills Like White Elephants and In Another Country Paper Hills Like White Elephants and In Another Country Paper Theodore Roethke has been quoted for saying, â€Å"In a dark time, the eye begins to see.†What Roethke is saying is when one is faced with a hardship, the truth of who they are is shown and their true darkness becomes apparent. Roethke’s quote is an agreeable one and can be proved in two short stories by Ernest Hemingway, â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†and â€Å"In Another Country.†In â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants,†the man encounters a â€Å"dark time†and the girl realizes the man’s true character. In â€Å"In Another Country,†the soldiers of World War I expose their true colors after their acts in the war within the hospital. These stories contain evidence to prove Roethke’s quote as fact. â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†has two main characters, the man, the antagonist, and the girl, the protagonist. The two of them share a relationship that changes and is exposed for its truth, during the conflict of the couple contradicting each other on whether or not to abort her unborn child. The two of them are sitting at a train station in Madrid and discussing the matter over a few drinks. One important symbol is incorporated into the setting itself. One side of the train station is uncared for and cluttered with grain, and has a strong overcast, representing the man’s opinion. The opposing side of the station has clear, far fields, is sunny, and has white mountains to the very background, with life of animals incorporated, representing the girl’s opinion. The white mountains represent the bright beauty of the child, it reminds her of white elephants, originating from the term white elephant meaning something the owner cannot get rid of.The man is trying to convince the girl that ridding the child would benefit them, that it’s safe, easy, and everything would return to the norm afterwards. The girl, however, wants to keep and give birth to this child, even though the man is producing a stressful argument. In the beginnin
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Best Summer Memory of My Childhood
When I was 11 years old, I attended a Unitarian church camp for a summer vacation with my family. It was a pleasant area, with the Puget Sound not far away, grass fields, many old-style wooden buildings, an expansive forest, and an elongated pond between the road and the camp. Deer and other wildlife regularly visited the grounds. It was an ideal place to forget your worries and the routine of common life. As an 11-year-old boy, it was a place for me to meet my friends, and maybe fall in love with a girl. However, this summer camp was more spiritual than othersâ€â€not because of a religious message, but because I had an awakening at the camp that year. I had been going to this summer retreat almost every year since I was very young. But somehow, this year was different. It seemed my mind and soul was ripe for a transformation. I recorded my first poem in my 11th year, and I seemed more introspective than usual. I was less interested in playing and joking around with my friends. I was searching for answers to deep questions about life and God. While walking down a path next to a grass field leading to the camp’s cafeteria, suddenly my vision changed. The grass was shining, the texture of the bark of trees was lucid, and each detail around me seemed like it was the first time I was seeing. In a sense, it was a feeling of rebirth. In church, there is talk of baptism, which is more of a ritual than anything else, in my opinion. The real baptism is an inner transformation. But back to the experience, this natural baptism came spontaneously. No effort was put into it. It was like a light was switched on in my consciousness, and I saw everything as new again. This sight was accompanied by a fresh sense of peaceâ€â€a mental silence that I had not experienced before. Also, joy was coursing through my being at the exhilaration of such a happening. From that moment, the world around me and within me was never the same. The only problem was that I was too young to fully grasp what had happened. In fact, I thought I was some sort of prophet. Seeing a tarot card reader only made the issue worse. Through the reading, I thought I was â€Å"the victory of the people,†and someone no one else was like. However, there were many other people who had the same experienceâ€â€I just did not know this at that tender age. Later in life, I learned there are many people just like me, and that I was not all that special. What I learned from this experience is that baptism, or spiritual rebirth, is a spontaneous happening, and not done only from the hand of a priest. Also, I learned about getting a spiritual ego, where you think you are important based on spiritual experiences. My natural baptism and my knowledge of spiritual ego has allowed me to gain much in life: more creativity, inner peace, and how to be humble in the face of achievements.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
No topic - Essay Example Some women had been married by Americans during the Second World War. The Chinese fled from China from Communism and settled in various towns such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and Boston. Their immigration was in line with the 1965 act, which lessened the restrictions on Asian immigration. Most of them enrolled for education and worked their way up the social ladder. The Asian Exclusion Act had prevented the immigration of Asians laborers. The social mobility is also associated with their economic development within the ethnic group. Geographically, the Chinese immigrants are known to be settled in peculiar China towns in the American society. New immigrants often join them and continue living in ethnic groups. Chinese tradition is upheld and often consulted for dispute settlement and provision of moral guidelines. A portion of the Chinese immigrant is illiterate.  The Japanese immigrants are spread within the American society. They engaged in business beyond their ethn ic group and obtained higher level of education. They immigrants have values which go along with the American values such as respect, hard work and politeness. Education is given importance and most of the Japanese immigrants are literate. A large number of the immigrants have professional education or technical skills in specific field. Creating and maintaining relationships is significant hence they use such relationships to form business groups. It can be argued that they have integrated in the American society. California enacted a bill that restricted Japanese immigrants. Those who were contracted as laborers were able to become proprietors and they seemed to be a threat, thus foreigners were forbid from owning land. Asians and other immigrants took the place of the minority. Immigrants were required to poses a passport. Obtaining citizenship was a challenge and many remained as non-citizens. Restrictions on contracted laborers were enacted to secure employment for the Ameri can citizens. They could not vote or have any political representation. Many lived in fear of deportation. Those who needed services from the justice system feared being denied the services because of their race and stereotypes. Notions such as Americans against them (Asians) were common. There were restrictions that that required the immigrants to obtain a certain level of literacy. Asian immigrants are one of the fastest groups of immigrants with majority obtaining education and securing high income. They have maintained their identity and cultural values. The Immigrants remained few in number until the end of the Second World War. 2 Immigration patterns have been influences by the American stance after the Second World War. American foreign policy on immigration has been encouraging supremacy and global leadership and disassociating with isolation. The war brides act and the Lece Celler Act allowed the women engaged and married by Americans to immigrate. The act allowed a specifi c number of people in a year. Other immigrants who were refugees of war were also allowed. They gained citizenship and could seek for employment and enroll for education. After the Second World War, many immigrants were absorbed in the labor industry. Many of the women who had been called to join in the war returned to their homes while others remained. Many immigrants worked their way up the social ladder by enrolling for education and seeking
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 64
Summary - Essay Example His philosophy is more influential and followed upon in western sector than any other philosopher, as he articulates that; the freedom of choice lies down with all humans, without any obligation towards the society or religion. Moreover, he argues the infinity of finite world and there are no unseen phenomena hidden, as an appearance; is an evidence of its existence. He described that the ability to prove and produce results or accomplishments lies within man, as the ability to bring change is in his hand. Thus material or object’s presence can’t provide or fabricate what is instilled as a capacity, but man can; as he has the power to be nothing or everything. However, all the changes are directly associated to time and choice. A person acts as an object and as a subject many times in his life and therefore, impression his actions leave due to his physical involvement and the impression his invisible appearance causes; work simultaneously and thus Jean has called them being-in –itself and being-for-itself. Jean has stated in his piece of work â€Å"Man is nothing else but that which he makes of himself†(Sartre, p.9).Therefore one’s; self esteem is made high or low not only by his view of himself but it also includes the view point of others who stare him temporarily. Mainly it depends on the perspective of a human, whose ability define him his worth. It is a wide horizon where one can become optimistic or pessimistic, depending upon the choice again. Thus one gaze can change the view entirely depending upon the perception one has for himself. The freedom of choice is a gate way, which leads to two destinations it’s up to a person how he perceives the meaning of it, as it comes with great responsibility as well. .†Our responsibility is thus much greater than we had supposed, for it concerns mankind as a whole.†(Sartre , p.9) The most natural trait of a human is a complete
Friday, January 24, 2020
Herman Melvilles Billy Budd - The Tragedy of Billy Budd :: Herman Melville Billy Budd Essays
The Tragedy of Justice in Billy Budd Charles Reich's assessment of the conflict in Billy Budd focuses on the distinction between the laws of society and the laws of nature. Human law says that men are "the sum total of their actions, and no more." Reich uses this as a basis for his assertion that Billy is innocent in what he is, not what he does. The point of the novel is therefore not to analyze the good and evil in Billy or Claggart, but to put the reader in the position of Captain Vere, who must interpret the laws of both man and nature. Reich supports Vere's decision to hang Billy. In defense of this he alludes to a famous English court case, in which three men were accused of murder. However, the circumstances which led them to murder were beyond their control; they had been stranded at sea and forced to kill and eat their fourth companion, who had fallen ill and was about to die anyway. The Judge, Lord Coleridge, found them guilty because "law cannot follow nature's principle of self-preservation." In other words, necessity is not a justification for killing, even when this necessity is beyond human control. Since Billy is unable to defend himself verbally, he "responds to pure nature, and the dictates of necessity" by lashing out at Claggart. I agree with Reich's notion that Vere was correct in hanging Billy, and that it is society, not Vere, who should be criticized for this judgement; for Vere is forced to reject the urgings of his own heart and his values to comply with the binding laws of man. First, the moral issue aside, Captain Vere had no choice but to convict Billy. As captain of a ship under pressure of war and the constant threat of mutiny, Vere had to act swiftly. Also, as captain, Vere had the responsibility of making sure the laws were strictly enforced, including the Mutiny Act. Although Vere knew in his heart Billy was innocent, Billy's actions had to be punished. For Vere to have acquitted Billy would mean that he had placed the divine law of nature above the laws he was bound to enforce as captain of a
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Paths of Glory
Based on the novel by Humphrey Cobb, Stanley Kubrick directed the movie Paths of Glory in 1957. Kirk Douglas plays the role of Colonel Dax, a commander of the French army in World War I. Held in their trenches against the threat of German cannons, the regiment is ordered on a suicidal mission to capture the Germans. When the mission fails, French generals order three soldiers to be tried and executed on the charge of cowardice. Dax is selected defense attorney for the chosen soldiers. Kubrick explores the political planning and selfish personal ambitions that result in battlefield slaughter and irrational executions.The movie is constant in its disapproval of war and the pleasure-seeking of military leaders who arrange the deaths of thousands from the comfort of their headquarters. In the beginning of the movie, General Mireau verbally ordered artillery fire on his own men because they had not left the trenches to attack the enemy. This order was denied because it was not written and signed by the general himself. Verbal orders cannot be given out for it could be false. With a signed order, proof is seen from the signature.General Mireau refused to sign the order and instead became very upset. His outrage brought him to the decision to kill three soldiers. A meeting was held between General Broulard, General Mireau and Colonel Dax. General Broulard wanted to execute one-hundred of his own men for cowardice. Of course Colonel Dax disagreed. Therefore, General Broulard brought the number down to a dozen. The result was to choose one man from each regiment and then execute them. There were three regiments so there would be three men randomly picked by their lieutenant.Colonel Dax then requested that he be chosen as their defense attorney. He also had the responsibility of choosing someone who would be in charge of executing these men if they plead guilty in their trial. I would say that their trial was taken place in a Kangaroo court. Kangaroo court is defined as a self-appointed tribunal that disregards or parodies existing principles of law or human rights. All three men chosen for the execution walked in the court ready to be tried with Colonel Dax as their defense attorney.The judge, along with everyone else involved, seemed to already have a decision without knowing the character of each man, evidence and what their attorney had to say. The first man who spoke before the court was a guy who admitted he made it out of the trenches and into â€Å"no man’s land†. According to him, everyone around him was left dead except for one guy who was still left standing. They both headed back to the trenches so they could stay alive. He mentioned that he probably should have moved forward but instead he retreated.The second man who spoke before the court admitted that he advanced from the trenches until he was ordered back. All the court cared about was how far he got out of the trench. They didn’t care that he was ordered to re treat. When Colonel Dax mentioned the two medals the second man received over time, they were not interested. Finally, the third man was being tried. When he was climbing out of the trench, he was knocked out â€Å"stone cold†because of a corpse that fell on him. The court showed no mercy on any of these men. They were all plead guilty and sentenced to death.How can a man be a coward if he remained alive while everyone else lay dead? Why would he or any man for that matter continue going forward alone instead of retreating back to save their own life? How is a man a coward if he is doing nothing but obeying orders? What would make a court plead someone guilty of cowardice when that person has a medal in bravery? Why would a court execute a man who never had the chance to leave the trench because he was knocked unconscious by a dead body? All of these questions had to be going through Colonel Dax’s head.General Mireau asked Colonel Dax the question, â€Å"Are you prot esting the authenticity of this court? †He replied with the answer, â€Å"Yes sir. I protest against being prevented from introducing evidence which I considered vital to the defense; the prosecution presented no witnesses; there has never been a written indictment of charges made against the defendants, and lastly, I protest against the fact that no stenographic records of this trial have been kept. The attack yesterday morning was no stain of the honor of France, and certainly no disgrace to the fighting men of this nation.But this Court Martial is such a stain, and such a disgrace. The case made against these men is a mockery of all human justice. Gentlemen of the court, to find these men guilty would be a crime, to haunt each of you till the day you die. I can’t believe that the noblest impulse for man – his compassion for another – can be completely dead here. Therefore, I humbly beg you†¦ show mercy to these men. †Later on during the mo vie, Colonel Dax summons Lieutenant Roget to his quarters and orders the officer the assignment of supervising the firing squad – a job which requires putting a bullet in each prisoners head. You’ve got the job. It’s all yours,†Colonel Dax says. Lieutenant Roget tries to back out and convince Dax he is unfit for the job since he has never done such a task. Dax feels that if Roget had the audacity to pick a soldier of being dead based on the charge of cowardice, he can uphold the responsibility of ending their life. In this scene, Colonel Dax made it a point that Lieutenant Roget made a personal decision with his own reasons instead of picking from random because he was ordered to. Why did Lieutenant Roget choose Cpl. Paris to be executed?Before the assault, Dax ordered three officers (Lieutenant Roget, Corporal Paris and Private Lejeune) to go on a reconnaissance patrol into the darkness of no-man’s-land. The lieutenant â€Å"forfeited†hims elf, leaving the other two soldiers by themselves just because he was scared. Unfortunately, Private Lejeune did not make it out alive. When Corporate Paris returns back to French lines, he enters Lieutenant’s bunker to talk with him. Roget, shocked to see Paris, says, â€Å"I thought you’d been killed. †â€Å"You didn’t wait around to find out, did you Lieutenant?I mean you ran like a rabbit after you killed Lejeune,†Corporal Paris snaps back. Lieutenant Roget did not appreciate the tone and accusations being pointed at him whatsoever. He clearly lets Paris know that he is an officer and he should never be spoken to like that. Paris continues by saying, â€Å"Oh, well, I must be mistaken then, sir. An officer wouldn’t do that. A man wouldn’t do it. Only a thing would – a sneaky, booze-guzzling, yellow-bellied rat with a bottle for a brain and a streak of spit where his spine ought to be. You’ve got yourself into a me ss, Lieutenant. Roget cynically expresses his superiority and counter-reprimands him for insubordination, threatening a superior officer, and refusing to obey an order and inciting others to do the same. Paris threatens to bring charges and accuses his superior officer of drunkenness on duty, wanton murder of one of his own men, and cowardice in the face of the enemy. That is why bringing Corporal Paris to execution was personal for Lieutenant Roget. With proof that will hopefully save the three soldiers lives from execution, Dax ask to see General Broulard to report the new information he has just learned.With disregard to the information, Broulard replies, â€Å"Maybe the attack against the Ant Hill was impossible. Perhaps it was an error of judgment on our part. On the other hand, if your men had been a little more daring, you might have taken it. Who knows? Why should we have to bear more criticism and failure than we have to? These executions will be a perfect tonic for the en tire division. There are few things more fundamentally encouraging and stimulating than seeing someone else die. You see, Colonel, troops are like children. Just as a child wants his father to be firm, troops crave discipline.And one way to maintain discipline is to shoot a man now and then. †Dax had sworn statements by the men who witnessed General Mireau ordering artillery fire on his own men during the attack. He implies that the execution would not proceed if all the court knew Mireau’s actions to fire on his own men. General Broulard is not justified in holding his position with respect because he had the choice to stop the execution but chose not to. He believes that killing three innocent men shows an example in maintaining discipline. He chose not to stop this for he did not want to look bad upon.I believe that if he would have stopped the execution like Colonel Dax wanted him too; it would not look bad on Broulard. Full responsibility would have been over Gene ral Mireau for poor judgment and the lack of morals. General Mireau made this decision based on his ego and authority. Stanley Kubrick brings in the theme class distinction by making it clear that everyone is afraid. If ranked higher in power, fear can be overlooked in the form of authority. Lower classes were shown to be located in trenches while those better off became Generals and Colonels.To those in power, other soldiers were chess pieces to their decisions. That is where Kubrick uses the theme nationalism. The cliche â€Å"means to an end†is a good example of what General Broulard believed. He believed that if three men getting executed were what it took for the rest of the regiments to follow orders, then that is what it took to be successful in the war. He made decisions on what he believed was best even if it was morally wrong. The execution gave him and General Mireau a superior patriotic feeling, and that is where Colonel Dax conflicted with both Generals.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Conversation Lesson About the Equality of lMen and Women
Debates in class can help English learners practice a wide range of functions including agreeing and disagreeing, negotiating, collaboration with other students, and so on. Often students need help with ideas and thats where this lesson plan can help. Below you will find cues to the discussion concerning equality between men and women to help get students discussing issues related to the debate. Provide ample time for the discussion and then time the debate. This will help encourage precise language use. This debate can easily be carried out between the men and women in the class, or those who believe the statement is true and those who do not. Another variation is based on the idea that having students support opinions that are not necessarily their own during debates can help improve students fluency. In this manner, students pragmatically focus on correct production skills in conversation rather than striving to win the argument. For more information on this approach please see the following feature: Teaching Conversational Skills: Tips and Strategies. Aim Improve conversational skills when supporting a point of view Activity Debate about the question of whether men and women are truly equal. Level Upper-intermediate to advanced Outline Review language used when expressing opinions, disagreeing, making comments on other persons point of view, etc.Write a few ideas on the board to encourage discussion of the equality between men and women: the workplace, the home, government, etc.Ask students if they feel that women are truly equal to men in these various roles and places.Based on students responses, divide groups up into two groups. One group arguing that equality has been achieved for women and one that feels that women have not yet attained true equality to men. Idea: Put students into the group with the opposite opinion of what they seemed to believe in the warm-up conversation.Give students worksheets including ideas pro and con. Have students develop arguments using the ideas on the worksheet as a springboard for further ideas and discussion.Once students have prepared their opening arguments, begin with the debate. Each team has 5 minutes to present their principal ideas.Have students prepare notes and make a rebuttal to the expressed opinions.While the debate is in progress, take notes on common errors made by the students.At the end of the debate, take time for a short focus on common mistakes. This is important, as students should not be too involved emotionally and therefore will be quite capable of recognizing language problems - as opposed to problems in beliefs! Men and Women: Equal at Last? You are going to debate whether women are finally truly equal to men. Use the clues and ideas below to help you create an argument for your appointed point of view with your team members. Below you will find phrases and language helpful in expressing opinions, offering explanations and disagreeing. Opinions, Preferences I think..., In my opinion..., Id like to..., Id rather..., Id prefer..., The way I see it..., As far as Im concerned..., If it were up to me..., I suppose..., I suspect that..., Im pretty sure that..., It is fairly certain that..., Im convinced that..., I honestly feel that, I strongly believe that..., Without a doubt,..., Disagreeing I dont think that..., Dont you think it would be better..., I dont agree, Id prefer..., Shouldnt we consider..., But what about..., Im afraid I dont agree..., Frankly, I doubt if..., Lets face it, The truth of the matter is..., The problem with your point of view is that... Giving Reasons and Offering Explanations To start with, The reason why..., Thats why..., For this reason..., Thats the reason why..., Many people think...., Considering..., Allowing for the fact that..., When you consider that... Yes, Women Are Now Equal to Men Many governments have both male and female representatives.Many companies are now owned or managed by women.A lot of progress has been made since the 1960s.Television series now portray women as successful career makers.Men now share in the raising of children and household responsibilities.Many important laws have been passed to ensure equality in the workplace.In many places, a married couple can choose whether the man or the women takes leave from work to look after the newly arrived baby.People arent discussing equality anymore. It has become a reality.Have you ever heard of Margaret Thatcher? Excuse Me? Women Still Have a Long Way to Go Before They Are Equal to Men Women still earn less than men in many work situations.Women are still portrayed in a superficial manner in many television shows.Look at international sporting. How many professional female leagues are as successful as their male counterparts?Most governments still are made up in their majority of men.We are having this debate because women are not equal. Otherwise, there would be no need to discuss the matter.Women are often not given enough responsibility based on the possibility that they might become pregnant.The number of sexual harassment suits have increased over the past 10 years.Hundreds of years of history cant have been changed in a mere 30 odd years.Have you ever watched Bay Watch?
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